Tag: Body Image Issues

Children Obsess Over Their Looks And It Is Not Good

Children Obsess Over Their Looks And It Is Not Good

Parents always tell their kids they are the most beautiful or most handsome child in their eyes. Well, it is true in a way because parents really see their children as precious gems that mean the world to them regardless of their imperfections. But we all know this is subjective and children will eventually have to confront the criticisms of others especially if they are not as special as they were led to believe growing up. Add to that the pressure and confusion of puberty as they discover more about their body and changes are taking place from head to toe that is worsened by their raging hormones.

Young kids actually do get depressed because of their looks. Adults may shrug it off and think of it as a passing phase but it is not always the case. Some kids subject themselves to self-harm or even commit suicide because they do not know how to cope with the issues they are facing in their young age that mostly stems from …