Category: Health

The Unexpected Benefits Of The Marijuana Legalization

The Unexpected Benefits Of The Marijuana Legalization

Marijuana had always been stigmatized for the longest time. Back in the days, people will frown out at you if they ever heard you were smoking weed because that’s what most Hippies do. We all know it as the plant that gives you an unnatural high and has been the subject of countless arguments in the past but recent studies of weed are showing us a different side of it. Of course, innovation played a big part as a different breed of the plant is not being cultivated for its medicinal properties and not just a pick-me-upper that it was of yesteryears. The growing popularity of cannabis in the medical circle definitely caught the attention of both those who are pro and con for the marijuana legalization. People claim it has helped them battle chronic illnesses the modern pharmacology and science weren’t able to alleviate and address.

Studies have also been popping here and there giving us factual information on the bright side of marijuana and why it deserves to …

Sleep Deprivation Raises Alarm Bells

Sleep Deprivation Raises Alarm Bells

Sleep is essential to good health and staying functional and healthy throughout your lifetime. It is a restorative process that does a lot of wonder to people of all age and sizes. All of us can attest to that great feeling we feel when we have slept throughout the night and are feeling well-rested. It feels like you can take anything life throws at you that day and have more energy to burn too. Yet getting that good night’s sleep we all need is easier said than done these days. More and more people extend their day way out into the night or the wee hours of the morning simply because there are a lot of things vying for their attention simply drifting off to sleep just like that is occurring less and far in between as the days pass by.

More and more people suffer from sleep deprivation and it is not just affecting their health but their performance at work or school and their relationships with the people …

Health Issues Post-Hurricane Harvey

Health Issues Post-Hurricane Harvey

Humans have proven how resilient we are over the centuries. From our primitive ancestors to the modern humans walking the earth today, we have battled plagues, famines, wars, environmental changes, and so much more. Yet as resilient as we may seem to be, we aren’t immune at all to the many other organisms living on our planet and their impact on our health. It’s true we may have developed some sort of immunity or resistance but once our immunity levels go down because of stress, exhaustion or something else, getting sick is inevitable.

Our surroundings are a major factor to our health aside from our genes, lifestyle, eating habits, and exposure to certain allergens, irritants, germs, etc. Major changes in the environment can have a big impact on how well or sick we become. For example, exposure to mosquito breeding grounds in Asian countries can put people at risk of malaria or the dreaded Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever. Water contamination can lead to cholera or other gut issues. People get …

The Challenges Of Cancer Treatment

The Challenges Of Cancer Treatment

We all hate hearing about the big C. It’s as if an ice-cold water was suddenly poured over you and it is now the end of the world (for you, anyway) upon hearing a cancer diagnosis. And in a way, it is true. Most cancer patients die soon after getting diagnosed or a few years later at most. But as our world continues to progress, it seems as if our health is also on the line. Many of the health ailments that we are battling right now like cancer are lifestyle-induced. Living a sedentary lifestyle, eating mostly junks, sweets, and preserved foods, and our preoccupation with gadgets that emit dangerous blue light and unnecessary radiation, among others all predisposes us to various diseases and ailments that we could have avoided if only we led a healthier and more active life.

On top of that, cancer treatment does not come cheap. And you don’t just get better after a single chemotherapy session especially if you are in the advanced or terminal …