Category: Business

Transform Your Business Through Blogging

Transform Your Business Through Blogging

Many business owners often make the mistake of underestimating the power of the written content. They think most contents or blogs do not generate money. They are just a waste of time, effort, and the company’s resources. Well, times have definitely changed because words mean so much more and they certainly can bring in all the bucks. With the advent of the World Wide Web, a lot of things have gone digital and have been automated. Your business doesn’t stop simply because the sun is down and the moon is up and your store doesn’t necessarily have to be open 24/7 for it to keep on making money. It may sound like a sorcery in previous decades but this is the reality of our modern times. You can keep growing your business, making sales, and reaching out to your target customers any time of the day as long as you establish and maintain your online presence.

Smart technology enabled individuals and businesses alike to stay connected to the world on …

Food And Facebook Is Life

Food And Facebook Is Life

Who does not like food? Many of us only think about food on most days. It is a basic need and we don’t like starving ourselves, don’t we? Then, there is social media, the online craze that took over our lives for good. Can you still remember what life is like before Facebook came? For most young people, their memories are vague and they can’t really relate to life in the 80s, 90s and early 2000 when life was simpler and less complicated but may be considered a bit boring too by today’s standards. With the advent of the web came exciting and novel opportunities that we never thought possible.

Not only did the Internet and social media improved communication lines but it also created a buzz that continues to keep buzzing until now. The life that we used to know vanished and was replaced by something more dynamic and continually innovating. New trends come and go but some surprisingly stay for such a long time. We are constantly …

Professionalizing The Marijuana Business

Professionalizing The Marijuana Business

For the longest time, the use and sale of marijuana have been a major taboo in most societies. Nobody wants to be associated with someone using it or users try their best to avoid public detection and thus save themselves from public scrutiny and persecution. But over the past few years, marijuana is becoming more accepted in most states in the country and farming, sale, and use of it is even considered legal now. Hence, it no longer comes as a surprise if courses are being offered related to the marijuana business considering how popular it is now and society at large seems to be more accepting of it as well especially in the use of medical marijuana.

Recreational marijuana is growing in popularity too, which is why those who are interested to learn more about this humble weed can now do so in certain colleges and universities in the country. Even prestigious and ivy-league schools have caught up with the craze because it is likely to stay for long and not just a passing trend that comes and goes with time. In all honesty, the weed business is a multi-billion dollar industry that is expected to grow even bigger in the coming years as legislation are passed legalizing its sale and use. Not only is the profit from the weed business growing but there is also severe sales growth of paraphernalia related to its use, like water pipes and bongs. It’s like shopping for your next hobby now as there are more options to choose from since more and more shops are carrying them in their store inventory.

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Small Businesses Can Still Succeed Even In The Presence Of Global Brands

Small Businesses Can Still Succeed Even In The Presence Of Global Brands

We live in a day and age where certain brands and businesses have overtaken the global scene. From social media giants like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to tech innovators like Apple, Google, and Microsoft to e-commerce brands such as Amazon and eBay, the risk is bigger for small start-up businesses to succeed against these bigwigs. In an unstable economy where the littlest of changes can shake things up and scare several investors, small businesses are facing big risks with little assurance of success. But apparently, success is possible even if you are a small home-grown business with minimal capital and limited resources.

With a lot of courage and planning and an insanely amount of charm and luck, it is possible for your small business to prosper despite the competition. But first, find your niche and know your market. Make sure you are familiar with your product or service, so you can improvise and be flexible when things don’t turn out as planned. If you look around you, there are actually …

The Two Sides Of Online Shopping

The Two Sides Of Online Shopping

Living the fast life in this digital world can be exhausting at times. There is so much going on that we feel tired already just thinking about it. You are not alone in this realization. We may only see the glamorous life of others on social media but there is actually a dark side to it. No matter how hard you try to ignore it, it’s quite obvious that these popular influencers on social media would go to great lengths to make others believe they are leading a perfect life.

That double standard is what you need to remember when using the Internet or browsing through the various social media platforms. People will deceive you for monetary gain. If there is one aspect of this digital life that is the perfect example of such two-sided realities, it is online shopping. Many online shoppers are left in tears either because of online purchases that didn’t arrive or are way below their expectations.

The Internet is being widely used these days for

Business As Usual For President Trump

Business As Usual For President Trump

Donald Trump may be the new U.S. president but that does not mean he is no longer the man behind the brand. He may have temporarily relinquished the business to his children after assuming the presidency but it seems that he is still in the loop in matters concerning their empire. After all, he even takes guests of the state to his private clubhouses for meetings, so this is nothing new.

While the president should only be involved in the affairs of the state, it seems that his son missed the memo. Eric Trump insists on giving his father financial reports on their businesses even though he made a vow to keep their businesses/ organizations out of their father’s way.

Eric Trump sits behind his desk on the 25th floor of Trump Tower on a late February day in New York City, dressed in a slightly less formal version of his father’s go-to power uniform—blue suit, white buttoned-down shirt, no tie. There are reminders of Donald Trump everywhere in this