Tag: Computer Programming

Learn All About Coding In The Classroom

Learn All About Coding In The Classroom

Children are great imitators. They often copy what adults around them do rather than practice what they are being preached. Aside from the innocence and playful nature of young children, they are also fairly fast learners and can easily absorb things that they are being taught. It’s why kids these days are quite tech savvy. They have been exposed to technology early in life and it seems like second nature for them to operate these sophisticated and high-tech gadgets.

And because it is inevitable for them to dabble with technology when they grow up, it is better to teach them young about the language of computing, computer programming. Also known as coding, it is an essential skill for young kids to succeed in a future dominated by technology. In the digital age, coding is the fundamentals that everyone should know by heart. The youth of today grew up in a world that is littered with tech gadgets. From home appliances, smartphones, computers and laptops, social media, and many others, …