Category: Education

Public Education For All: Will It Just Be A Dream?

Public Education For All: Will It Just Be A Dream?

Progress is only made possible through education. You can learn everything you need in order to succeed in life in the four corners of the classroom. With rapid globalization, other countries are doubling their efforts in educating their youth especially that it is now common for workers of different nationalities to compete for the same job. You don’t usually have to worry about it during elementary and secondary years as citizens can still get public education especially if you live in America. Regardless of the many issues, we face today, we still remain to be one of the most progressive and powerful nations in the world. However, the youth and their families still struggle in sending their kids to college and in the university. The tuition fee is outrageously high and you can easily fall deep into debt with student loans before you even graduate with a degree you can be proud of.

It is such a shame that no matter how rich the US is, the American government still

Is There Still Hope For American Education?

Is There Still Hope For American Education?

Education is a powerful tool that has continuously shaped the world throughout history. Many brilliant minds became the great individuals that they are because they learned from great teachers who shared everything they know to their students and helped them grow as a person. And the same thing applies to all the generations of learners in the world. From ancient times to our present day society, education continues to be the driving force that shapes the world as a whole, and the world’s interests.

In the world today, many nations look up to the United States of America not only because it is a strong and powerful nation but because it produces some of the best and brightest people in the world of business, the arts, and just about everything else. However, it all comes at a cost. Everybody knows just how expensive an American education is. Students accumulate a big amount of debt before they even graduate from university because tuition fee is expensive and they (their parents …

Changes In The Special Education System

Changes In The Special Education System

Change is everywhere. From the way we live to our hobbies and interests, the world we live in now is far from the world where our parents grew up in. With the many changes happening in our surroundings, it makes perfect sense to educate the youth about these changes so they can better adapt to them once they grow up. But there is a small part of the population that have special needs, and thus require special education.

The Special Education system devotes itself to the learning needs of children with disabilities. It aims to provide them with sufficient education and to enhance their skills so they can survive in a far-more-complex world even if their body senses are lacking.

March 22, 2017 will go down as a good day for parents, like me, who have a child in the public education system who has special needs. In a time when many of the exceptional children’s programs in this state and in this country seem to be under constant attack,