Category: Computers

Search Was A Biggie Back Then

Search Was A Biggie Back Then

THE BIGGEST OBSTACLE TO effective Web searches is sheer volume. With an estimated 2 billion Web pages now online–and 40 new ones posted every minute–traditional search engines like Lycos and HotBot are drowning in data, able to index only a fraction of published sites.

Because Internet users spend 50 percent of their online time doing research (according to a Business Week/Harris poll), a new wave of search engine technology can’t come soon enough. Here’s the rundown on some current second-generation offerings.

Google ( com/) is based on the concept that the of a page increases with the number of links referencing it. For example, because a link to Harvard University’s home page is referenced many more times than a link to its football team’s page, a Google search for Harvard

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Hiring The Best Blog Hosting Service

Hiring The Best Blog Hosting Service

bbhsPeople who are trying to find out how to start a blog usually have no idea where to start, and hiring a hosting provider can be very confusing. One sure thing is that hosting is a must, but the question is, how do you find the right provider? There are exclusive blog companies, web hosting and web hosting resellers, and the first two groups can be either free or paid.

Before making any choices, every blogger should know what exactly they need, because there are people who want to create blogs in order to share their point of view, while others want to earn money. There are bloggers who have no knowledge on encoding, so they need a provider who offers simple interfaces. On the other hand, professionals want to control their blogs, so they search for unlimited features. Choosing the web hosting services over blog hosts, and vice versa, usually depends on

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